Reiki decided to come into my life over a decade ago. It came by chance (maybe ?) when I went for a healing session one day. The lady who gave me the session astounded me by her sensitive approach, her psychology, and the very professional way in which she was able to put her finger on my feelings and emotions. She finally bowled me over with the positive results on my health which went far beyond my expectations.
Unfortunately, the lady had to move away and I didn't see her any more or even continue with distance healing sessions. She indeed told me before leaving that she could send me Reiki "distance" healing (see below) and that I could call her whenever needed. Quite frankly I didn't see how it could work ! I then left it there but.... I did not know Reiki would decide to come back a few years later and knock at "my" door again.
I was having a difficult year, both on a professional and personal basis, when l met somebody new. He was a recently qualified Reiki Master ; he felt that something was for me to develop around Reiki. The way he talked about it and gradually introduced me to this new energy, helped me discover it and even "physically feel" it (I started to notice tingling sensations in my arms and in the palms of my hands). All this had a deep effect on my soul.
This revelation could have simply stopped there but something unexpected changed the course of events : At the beginning of 2012, my younger daughter had a serious skiing accident and was confined to bed. All she could do was lie on her back. I then asked the person who was to become my future "Reiki Master" if he could do something, though I was still very skeptical. He told me that sometimes Reiki even worked unconsciously. I nodded because I did not want to disagree but I didn't really see how it could work !
That was when things started happening more quickly. When I went into my daughter's room the very next day I found her sitting up in bed, wow ! Amazing ! In that very moment I couldn't help wondering whether... perhaps... something was happening ! And that wasn't all ! My elder daughter came back to visit us that very weekend and put a book on her bedside table : It was exactly the same book that the Reiki Master and I had been talking about only a week earlier. He had been explaining to me how our lives were connected by invisible threads and how very often there were signs and how time and space could connect...., but that we didn't always recognize the signs.
I had live evidences underneath my eyes !
Everything was beginning to puzzle me so much ! These alleged "similarities", this fullness feeling when I was talking about this Reiki, it was as if my mind and body were suddenly wrapped with beneficence. It was so pleasant, almost hypnotic ! I wanted to know more about it, learn, discover, being able to do something with this energy that was appearing to me more and more often.
Very enthusiastically I asked if it was possible to learn and being attuned.
After quite a few readings, I was attuned to Level I and then Level II.
Then, years after years I became a "Master" (Practice and Transmission)
Today, it's with pride, honor and happiness that I deliver healing sessions and transmit the Reiki to all those who wish it. And most of all, I thank Universe for having offered this wonderful gift of life to me.
So, if you too feel like discovering, talking about it, receiving a healing treatment, etc... "L'Odaka" is more than pleased to welcome you !
When Reiki is sent distantly, there is no worry about knowing if the person is going to recover or get good results, Reiki is sent... full stop !
Connection is done in the secret of the "heart", by "letting go" and smiling to the Universe to thank for the love it's showing towards us.